April 2019 – Calder Capital is pleased to announce that Southwest, MI-based C.N.C. Products LLC has been acquired by Parker Holding, Inc.
C.N.C. Products was established in 1987 by Mr. Fritz Knauf, along with his brother-in-law. Mr. Knauf had previous experience purchasing sheet metal products from a variety of businesses, so when a supplier of his called to inform him they were going out of business, he saw an opportunity, acquired the assets of the Company and resumed operations. This purchase was the backbone of C.N.C.Products. The Company has since been providing sheet metal fabrication services to customers for over 30 years. The Company boasts an ISO 9001:2008 certification and has a diverse customer base.
Parker Holding, Inc.’s President & CEO Gerri Davis-Parker is pleased to be acquiring C.N.C. Products LLC. Parker Holding, Inc. acquires and manages solid lower and middle market companies that are generally family owned and without a succession plan or successor in place. Parker Holding looks to improve efficiency and profitability, while growing the market share of each acquisition. The Company’s focus is keeping long standing employee teams together to ensure continuity of customer service and to maintain a cohesive workforce. This ensures a smooth transition for all involved.